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Standard Observation and Facility Fees

Below are the facility’s standard observation and facility fee charges for each level of service (only one of the following codes beginning with #9928 will be charged per patient visit). 

COVID-19 testing charges listed below are for the test only. Other facility and physician fees will apply. The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) prohibits insurance plans or issuers from imposing out of pocket expenses for COVID-19 testing. Depending on your plan, out of pocket fees may apply for a visit where a COVID-19 test is administered and you are treated for symptoms of COVID-19 or another illness. Any patient responsibility (copays, coinsurance, deductibles) collected for a medical visit that your insurer deems to have no patient responsibility under the FFCRA will be returned after the claim is processed by your insurer.

Facility Level of Service Facility Fee
99281 – Level 1 Emergency $820.60
99282 – Level 2 Emergency $1,600.93
99283 – Level 3 Emergency $2,592.60
99284 – Level 4 Emergency $3,240.26
99285 – Level 5 Emergency $4,320.35
99291 – Critical Care first 30-74 min $5,197.92
99292 – Critical Care additional 30 min $5,866.23
G0378 – Hourly Observation $1,600.00
86769 SARS-COV-2 COVID-19 Antibody $297.04
87635 SARS-COV-2 COVID-19 AMP PRB $297.04
87426 CORONAVIRUS AG IA $297.04
86328 IA NFCT AB SARSCOV2 COVID 19 $297.04
U0002 COVID 19 LAB TEST NONCDC $298.54

Unfortunately, at this time we are unable to accept Government Insurances, such as Medicare, Medicaid, and Tri-Care.

This facility is a freestanding emergency medical care facility which charges rates comparable to a hospital emergency room and may charge a facility fee. The facility or a physician providing medical care at the facility may be an out-of-network provider for your health benefit plan provider network. The physician providing medical care at this facility may bill separately from the facility for the medical care provided to a patient. The facility is an out-of-network provider for all health benefit plans.

What Our Patients Are Saying:

The doctors and nurses here are so kind and prompt! I was becoming dangerously sick with the flu and they nursed me back to health quickly and respected everything I had to say! The front desk staff is time efficient, polite and helpful.

- Google Review from "Audra Bradley"

Three Dallas ER Locations to Serve You Faster:

5150 Lemmon Ave #108
Dallas, TX 75209
214 443 8131

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8007 Walnut Hill Ln.
Dallas, TX 75231
(214) 217-0911

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6101 E. Mockingbird Ln.
Dallas, TX 75214
(469) 372-2040

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